Ski Resorts

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"Il legame che ho con la mia terra è da sempre molto forte: sono orgogliosa di esserne la testimonial."

Marta Bassino, giovane campionessa cuneese impegnata nella rosa della Nazionale Italiana di sci alpino. 


Scopri le Alpi di Cuneo d'inverno in un click: 

Skiing in the Cuneo Alps


A rare pearl set between the Alps and the sea, the Cuneo mountains are the right place where you can practice all sorts of sports. Here you can enjoy summer sports such as cycle tourism, mountain bike, canoeing, climbing and free climbing; or you can just choose to trek across one of the endless number of trails of our mountains. If you are a winter sports lover, here you can experience from ice climbing to all sorts of Nordic sports: downhill, snowboard, country crossing, snowshoe trek, and finally mountaineering and free ride. Our slice of Alps is a paradise for all those who love sports but most of all for those who love practicing it in pristine nature.

Twenty valleys surround the beautiful cities of Cuneo, the administrative center of the Province, the medieval Saluzzo and the baroque Mondovì. Starting from the North the first one is the Valle Po (Po river valley) where the Monviso, locally called “Re di Pietra” (Stone King) rises to 3,481 m., down South to the last one, the Val Tanaro (Tanaro River Valley). Along this path, you will be overwhelmed by the breathtaking views, fascinated by the authentic and welcoming small alpine villages and lost in the past of an infinite number of monuments and traces of the old days.